Awards Committee Expression of Interest

The Academy’s prestigious grants and awards program promotes international engagement, embraces emerging fields of humanities scholarship, and supports early and mid-career researchers. The Awards Committee is responsible for overseeing the Max Crawford Medal, the Medal for Excellence in Translation, the McCredie Musicological Award, the John Mulvaney Fellowship, the Ernst and Rosemarie Keller Fund, the Humanities Travelling Fellowships, and the Publication Subsidy Scheme. The assessment of a number of Awards benefits from the additional support of Expert Advisory Panels.

The Academy relies enormously on the good-will and contribution of its Fellowship to achieve its objectives. Serving on the Awards Committee will help us to fulfil our obligation to recognise and encourage excellence and achievement for researchers at the earlier stages of their careers.

Committee members serve for a period of three years. Each year they must be available to review applications and complete online assessments in April and May (approximately 40 hrs depending on which grants and awards are running that year), and attend an online meeting in early June. Full details of the Committee’s role and work are included in the Awards Committee Terms of Reference

The Academy is committed to its Committees embracing the diversity of the Fellowship and Australia’s research community, and Council will consider scholarly experience, discipline, gender, cultural diversity, creative arts research and practice, and the public humanities in its selection process.

Applications should be submitted via the form below by COB Friday 7 February 2025, and will be considered by Council during the next meeting on Wednesday 5 March 2025. We particularly encourage applications from Fellows with good knowledge of commercial or academic publishing. 

Should you require any further information please contact Samantha Tutton, the Academy’s Fellowship & Awards Coordinator at

I have read the Awards Committee Terms of Reference, Code of Conduct, and Conflict of Interest Policy and agree to abide by the terms as a member of the Grants and Awards Committee.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Australian Academy of the Humanities recognises Australia’s First Nations Peoples as the traditional owners and custodians of this land, and their continuous connection to country, community and culture.