Collaboration with Australia's Learned Academies
We collaborate on interdisciplinary research projects of national importance.
The Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) provides a forum that brings together great minds, broad perspectives and knowledge. It is the nexus for true interdisciplinary cooperation to develop integrated problem solving and cutting edge thinking on key issues for the benefit of Australia.
Our Fellows and Academy representatives provide valuable humanities expertise to ACOLA projects to ensure that social, cultural and community concerns remain central in the advice provided to decision-makers.
ACOLA members
Rapid Research Information Forum
In 2020, the Academy joined with Australia’s other Learned Academies and leaders from Australia and New Zealand’s research and innovation sectors to form the Rapid Research Information Forum (RRIF). Convened by Australia’s Chief Scientist, the Forum provides coordinated multidisciplinary, evidence-based advice to government on the COVID-19 pandemic. Each report has been led by a different Learned Academy, drawing on expertise from forum members.
Our Academy led the report Motivators for use of the COVIDSafe app, with Lead Author Professor Genevieve Bell AO FTSE.
Academy Fellows and humanities experts have been closely involved in the development of all RRIF reports, including: