Humanities Australia journal 2019

10th edition of The Journal of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Established in 2010, Humanities Australia is the Academy’s flagship journal, showcasing some of the outstanding research and writing being carried out by our Fellows. It is an essential part of our commitment to supporting excellence in the humanities and communicating their value to the public.

Detail of photo by Alessandro Melis on Unsplash - people in building from a distance

This year’s issue of Humanities Australia once again features essays, poems and reflections by our Fellows alongside edited versions of several of our key lectures including the annual Academy Lecture, the A.D. Trendall Lecture and the Sir Keith Hancock Lecture.

The articles in this year’s edition span a number of disciplines, including history, linguistics, classical studies, English literature, Islamic studies and archaeology and they all refer, in different ways, to the theme of the Academy’s 50th anniversary celebrations: ‘Humanising the Past, Present and Future’. Whether through charting the history of the idea of ‘civilisation’, or examining how we communicate with our international counterparts, or exploring how we can look to the past to find new categories of interpretation, the articles in this edition look forward explicitly to how the humanities can play their role in fostering a truly human future despite the challenges which both the humanities in particular and the world in general will face in the next 50 years.

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  • Editor’s Introduction, by Graham Tulloch FAHA
  • Turning the Level of Civilisation Up – A Twenty-first Century Challenge, the 49th Annual Academy Lecture, by Julianne Schultz AM FAHA
  • Australians and Americans Talking, by Michael Haugh FAHA
  • Literature, History, Value: The Case of British Romanticism, by William Christie FAHA
  • The Force of Tradition in Early Greek Poetry and Painting, the 20th Trendall Lecture by Anne Mackay
  • Hybrid Civilisations or Clash of Civilisations: Rethinking the Muslim Other, the 8th Hancock Lecture by Raihan Ismail
  • Aleppo and the Clash of Civilisations, by Ross Burns FAHA
  • An Odyssey through Time: Nicolas Baudin’s Long Haul by Jean Fornasiero FAHA
  • Surveyors by John Kinsella FAHA

Acknowledgement of Country

The Australian Academy of the Humanities recognises Australia’s First Nations Peoples as the traditional owners and custodians of this land, and their continuous connection to country, community and culture.