Graham Oppy

Professor Graham Oppy
- Post Nominals: FAHA
- Fellow Type: Fellow
- Elected to the Academy: 2009
- Section(s): Philosophy And History Of Ideas
Biography: Graham Oppy is Professor of Philosophy, in the School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies (SOPHIS) at Monash University. He is the Foundation Editor of the *Australasian Philosophical Review*.
Graham’s research focuses on the philosophy of religion. His early research focussed on arguments about the existence of God: ontological arguments, cosmological arguments, arguments for design, arguments from evil, Pascal’s wager, and so on. His more recent work has focussed on the comparative merits of naturalistic and religious beliefs, and on the nature of arguing as a distinctive human activity.
Graham was elected to the Academy in 2009, to Council in 2016 and is a member of the Philosophy & History of Ideas Section.
His books include: Ontological Arguments and Belief in God (CUP, 1996), Arguing about Gods (CUP, 2006), The Best Argument against God (Palgrave, 2013), Describing Gods (CUP, 2014), Reinventing Philosophy of Religion (Palgrave, 2014), Naturalism and Religion (Routledge, 2018), Atheism: The Basics (Routledge, 2019), and Is There a God? (WIley, 2021).