David Ewan Marr

Mr David Ewan Marr

  • Post Nominals: FAHA
  • Fellow Type: Honorary Fellow
  • Elected to the Academy: 2013


David Marr lives in Sydney and broadcasts for the ABC.  Over the years he has edited the National Times, written for the Sydney Morning Herald, reported for Four Corners and presented Media Watch. He is a four-time Walkley Award winner for print and television reporting. He has written biographies of Sir Garfield Barwick (1980) and Patrick White (1991) and several studies of Australian politics including Dark Victory with Marian Wilkinson (2003) and Panic (2011). His Quarterly Essays have examined the careers of Kevin Rudd (2010), Tony Abbott (2012) and Cardinal George Pell (2013). His most recent book is Killing for Country, a personal reckoning with the frontier wars.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Australian Academy of the Humanities recognises Australia’s First Nations Peoples as the traditional owners and custodians of this land, and their continuous connection to country, community and culture.