Janice Stockigt

Associate Professor Janice Stockigt

  • Post Nominals: FAHA
  • Fellow Type: Fellow
  • Elected to the Academy: 2002
  • Section(s): Arts


Janice (Jan) Stockigt is an Honorary Principal Fellow of the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne. For many years her work has been concerned with the music othe Bohemian composer Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679–1745) and musicians of the Dresden court during the years of the Saxon-Polish Union. In recent times her attention has turned to the establishment by August II of a Catholic chapel in Leipzig’s Pleißenburg fortress in 1710, the construction of its organ between 1719-20, and the succession of young Bohemians organists who came to serve there. Her research interests include Catholic court music, German and Czech music of the Baroque era, performance practice, and Australian topics.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Australian Academy of the Humanities recognises Australia’s First Nations Peoples as the traditional owners and custodians of this land, and their continuous connection to country, community and culture.