Hancock Lectures 1993-2022

The Hancock Lecture invites young Australian scholars of excellence to deliver their research in an accessible way for the everyday Australian.

Tenth lecture

The 10th Hancock Lecture was presented by Dr Frances Flanagan. The Lecture was held on Tuesday 31 May 2022 at the State Library of New South Wales.

*Recording courtesy of ABC Radio National, The Science Show

Ninth lecture

The 9th Hancock Lecture — Maaya Waabiny: Mobilising song archives to nourish an endangered language — was given by Wirlomin Noongar researcher Associate Professor Clint Bracknell from the Kurongkurl Katitjin Centre for Indigenous Australian Education and Research and WAAPA, Edith Cowan University. It was the curtain-raiser event for the Academy’s 50th Symposium Humanising the Future, held on Wednesday 13 November 2019 at the Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane.

Eighth lecture

Hybrid Civilisations of Clash of Civilisations?: Re-visiting the Muslim Other (PDF, 950KB) (watch the video)
Dr Raihan Ismail
16 November 2018, Sydney

Dr Ismail is also the joint recipient of the Australian Academy of the Humanities’ 2018 Max Crawford Medal, Australia’s most prestigious award for early-career researchers in the Humanities.

Seventh lecture

Life at the edge of extinction: Spectral crows, haunted landscapes and the environmental humanities (PDF, 2.1MB)
Dr Thom van Dooren
15 November 2013, Brisbane

Sixth lecture

Was the twentieth century the great age of internationalism? (PDF, 762Kb)
Professor Glenda Sluga FAHA
19 November 2009, Canberra

Fifth lecture

Foreign values; or, on English as a Chinese language
Professor Meaghan Morris FAHA

Fourth lecture

Representations of their lives: Archaeology and the tangibility of the past (PDF, 939KB)
Dr Susan Lawrence FAHA
11 November 2001, Canberra

Third lecture

Being and nothing: Figuring Aboriginality in Australian art history (PDF, 1,408KB)
Dr Ian McLean
11 November 1998, Sydney

Second lecture

Mabo and the Humanities (PDF, 1,094KB)
Mr Noel Pearson
5 November 1994, Sydney

Inaugural lecture

Charlotte Brontë’s paintings: Victorian women and the visual arts (PDF, 1,347KB)
Associate Professor Christine Alexander FAHA
23 March 1993, Melbourne

About the lecture

The first Hancock Lecture was delivered in 1993. Since then, we’ve hosted the lecture almost every year. Contact us for access to our archive.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Australian Academy of the Humanities recognises Australia’s First Nations Peoples as the traditional owners and custodians of this land, and their continuous connection to country, community and culture.